This version is another mayor usability update, bringing lots of smaller improvements of all kinds, but also a huge QOL thing for new players, the progression overhaul. This will make it far easier for new players to get a grasp on how Spectrum works, without getting stuck / lost.
Mayor Additions:
Progression Overhaul In the past, there were many players, especially new ones that did not experience a mod like Spectrum yet, who had trouble with the progression — most commonly in Earlygame. I have made major changes to the guidebook that will make progression easier for all players:
- The guidebook now marks all steps that advance the main progression path with an icon
- The guidebook has gotten a new chapter that lists hints for all mayor progression steps. They can be revealed for a tiny fee, to encourage finding those solutions yourself. If you are the type of player that likes to figure out everything by yourself and to not rely on those hints there will be a small reward, as soon as Spectrums progression is finished.
- The need to get vanilla advancements has been removed completely When finishing the first Earlygame advancement tree a popup mentions a second tree has been unlocked
Shooting Star Overhaul Shooting Stars, a natural phenomenon that is unlocked at the start of Midgame, has gotten a complete overhaul. Not to spoil too much, but finding them - and getting their drops for that matter - is now MUCH more fun and satisfying. They act a source for some rare vanilla materials, too! There has been a lot of tweaking going on to make them the best they can be. They also have gotten custom sounds, particles and the fancy Azzy-texture-treatment. Can you collect them all?
At this point let me introduce you to @Sattes, who did the new Shooting Star model. Some of you might know him as a modpack creator of Adventure Pack and Anima. While he is mostly working on a personal, still upcoming, project, he has already thrown in some great ideas here and there. He surely has an eye for detail.
Bottomless Bundle Automation
- Bottomless Bundles can now be placed down and picked up again by crouching.
- In block form you are able to fill / empty them automatically, like via hopper
- They remember the item that you set them to. So even if a Cobblestone Bundle gets emptied it will only accept new Cobblestone for input. Preventing their content to accidentally change
- They can be placed with Dispensers and destroyed via Piston, just like Shulker Boxes
Experiment Improvements
- Are now broken with Axe / Hoe instead
- Placing Experiments returns the bottle. You can also bottle them back up
- An option to get increased drops for Experiment #1
Other Improvements:
- Spectrum is now officially licensed
- Geodes have been revisited to make sure they generate in less awkward positions now. The default config values have been adjusted accordingly. If you are a modpack maker: Take a look if you want to adjust yours, too
- Added Fusion Shrine recipes to change the weather
- All Enchantments now list their crafting and upgrade recipes listed in the guidebook
- Doubled Knowledge Gem experience transfer
- The Radiance Staff now can place single lights via left click
- Various performance
- Gemstone Blocks can now be crushed
- Clover 2x chance of being the rare variant
- Added a new creative tab that contains pre-filled Knowledge Gems and Bottomless Bundles
- The creative-only Exchange Staff can exchange single blocks
- The compacting chest now merges newly compacted stacks with existing ones
- Ghost multiblock structures will now get cleared, if their main block is broken
- 50 % higher spawns for the second overworld ore
- All multiblock pages now have a checklist of required blocks
- Doubled the crafting speed boost of Crafting Accelerators
- Nerfed Gemstone Armor a bit
- Better wording for the Enchanter structure manual entry. Thank you, @Gengarjanitor!
- The Ocean resource now grows twice as fast
- Some recipes unlock triggers / ingredients have been changed
- Lots of smaller stuff I forgot or is so minor not worth listing here
- The pictures in the Guidebook have been updated to use the new textures
- Some Particle Spawner values in GUI have been capped to prevent FPS drops
New Textures: Lots of items, blocks and their drops have gotten fancy polished textures by yours truly @Azzy
- Clover
- Azurite
- Shimmerstone
- Aerialite
- The 3 experiment drops
- Lightning Stones
- Tearstones (previously Mermaids Gems)
- Mermaids Brush
- Quitoxic Reeds
- Fixed the "Big Spender" advancement triggering even for cheaper Enchantings
- Fixed Redstone component textures on NVidia cards, when unpowered
- Fixed a discord bridge mod trigger advancement messages every tick
- Workaround for the config library resetting all list config entries every launch
- Corrected the smelting times of some recipes
- Fixed an unreleased Lategame advancement triggering when any mob egg is used
- Fixed the Particle Spawner GUI disconnecting players in some circumstances
- Fixed shift-clicking items into the Compacting chest not triggering compacting immediately
- Fixed second Pedestal Multiblock builing instructions only been visually shown and counted as the Onyx variant
- A fix for the Knowledge Gem working in specific cases
- Fixed Decostones dropping twice
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110Publication date
January 31, 2022 at 3:44 PMPublisher