Landscapes Reimagined Genesis
Dive into adventure with our mod pack! Explore Terralith, marvel at YUNG's, MES, and MVS Structures; embrace the iconic Create mod and addons, pristine performance mods, embark on a captivating questline, and more!
Modpack Patch Notes: v2.0.0 (Version 1.20.1 Integration Update)
Release Date: October 11th, 2023
We are thrilled to announce the most monumental update since the inception of our pack. This release is meticulously crafted, introducing innovative quests, a plethora of pristine biomes, and the latest 1.20 modded content. Additionally, we're integrating a vast array of new mods to elevate your experience. For an optimal journey, we strongly advise initiating a new world, given the significant modifications in our mod selection and the transition from Minecraft version 1.19.2 to 1.20.1. Prepare to be captivated!
As a standard safety protocol, we advise creating a backup of your saved data prior to updating the modification package to ensure the preservation of your progress.
New Additions
- Argonauts: A guild and party mod to work and play together with your teammates on a server!
- Cadmus: A land claiming mod that allows users to claim land to protect your home from thieves, bandits and monsters, and admins to claim land with region flags and advanced protection
- Heracles: A tree-style questing mod, allowing pack makers to make and include completable quests for their players
- Prometheus: A utility mod adding useful commands and player permission handling
- Resourceful Lib: A modding library that contains valuable utilities and APIs developed by Team Resourceful.
- YUNG's Better End Island: An overhaul of the main End Island where the dragon fight takes place!
- YUNG's Better Jungle Temples: A complete redesign of Minecraft's jungle temples!
- Fabric Seasons: A simple mod that adds seasons to the game, dynamically changing biomes as you play.
- Fabric Seasons : Terralith Compat: Terralith compatibility for Fabric Seasons
- Fabric Seasons: Delight Compat: Farmer's Delight compatibility for Fabric Seasons
- Better Archeology: Discover artifacts & fossils by encountering new structures that'll enhance your adventure and exploration!
- BetterTrims: Give the armour trims unique effects when worn
- Fish of Thieves: A mod adds all the fish from Sea of Thieves, fish fer ye pirate!
- Regions Unexplored: Regions Unexplored is a biome mod that overhauls the overworld and nether in many ways. With 70+ new biomes to explore, there is a plethora of new things to find!
- Ube's Delight: Ube’s Delight is an addon mod for Farmer's Delight that adds Filipino inspired crops and food.
- Wildlife: Adds extra animals and insects to Minecraft!
- Creeper Overhaul: A mod which overhauls the vanilla creepers!
- Waystones: Teleport back to activated waystones. For Survival, Adventure or Servers.
- Universal Graves: Customisable grave mod for Fabric!
- Athena: A crossplatform (Forge/Fabric) solution to connected block textures for 1.19.4+
- Searchables: Searchables is a library mod that adds helper methods that allow for searching and filtering elements based on components, as well as offering built in auto-complete functionality.
- Cristel Lib: A Library mod for easy structure config and runtime datapacks.
- Create Ore Excavation: Extracts resources using machines powered by Rotational Force
- Better Animations Collection: Changing the in-game models to allow for better animations and subtle effects.
- Bartering Station: Still running around bartering manually? Let's put those lazy piglins to work instead!
- Trading Post: Rule the village! Trade with every villager at once!
- Magnum Torch: Powerful torches to prevent mob spawns around your home in a large area.
- Overflowing Bars: Expand health, armor and armor toughness bars beyond vanilla. Nice and compact without confusing colors.
- Armor Statues: Unlock the full potential of armor stands! Works on vanilla servers, too.
- Nether Chested: Use the Nether's power to store 8 times more items than usual in this chest.
- Echo Chest: A unique chest that collects all items dropped nearby. Very useful!
- Completionist's Index: An index for collecting every single block and item in the game. Adventurers behold!
- Paper Doll: Shows a tiny player model on screen when performing actions like sprinting, swimming, and flying.
- Effect Descriptions: Find out what potion effects do without checking the wiki.
- YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses: A complete redesign of Minecraft's Nether fortresses!
- TerraBlender: A library mod for adding biomes in a simple and compatible manner!
- Resourceful Config: Resourceful Config is a mod that allows for developers to make cross-platform configs
- Better End: New Biomes, mysterious rituals and Mobs for your End
- Better Nether: More Biomes, More Mobs, More Tools for the fiery Dimension
- BCLib: A Library Mod for the BetterX Team
- Wunderreich: Advanced Vanilla-Like Mechanics and Tools
- More Chests Variants (MCV): Giving each wood its own chest
- More Crafting Tables (MCT): Adds the other Crafting Table variants to the game!
- Fabric Seasons: Extras: Custom blocks and items to make your Fabric Seasons experience better.
- way2wayfabric: Waystone -> Xaero's Minimap Waypoint sync for fabric
- ImmediatelyFast: Speed up immediate mode rendering in Minecraft
- AntiGhost: Get rid of ghost blocks by requesting resends from the server
- ModernFix: All-in-one mod that improves performance, reduces memory usage, and fixes many bugs. Compatible with all your favorite performance mods!
- Elytra Trims: Lightweight and customizable support for elytra trims, patterns and dyes
- Archaeology Banners: Banner patterns based on Archaeology sherds and designs.
- Archeology Plus: A 1.20 mod that aims to add more content to the new Archeology feature.
- More Armor Trims: Adds six new armor trims.
- Trims Expanded: Trims Expanded aims to expand the available materials used while making armour trims to allow you to go beyond what the vanilla game can offer in your armour sets!
- Pure Discs - Trails & Tales: Pure Discs - Trails & Tales adds five new songs that were added to the game with the 1.20 Trails and Tales update!
- Pocket Tools: Tools you can fit in your pocket
- More Discs: Adds more music discs
- Spelunkery: New landmarks, tool progression, and mining strategies to spice up your underground life.
- Terrestria: Terrestria is a detailed and vibrant biomes mod for Minecraft running on the Fabric mod loader.
- Promenade: Fancy and simplistic biomes and structures!
- Fabric Seasons: Terraformers Compat: Traverse and Terrestria compatibility for Fabric Seasons
- Portable Crafting: Access the crafting table in your inventory, with a hotkey or tab.
- Create: Extended Cogwheels: A small mod to add more cog types to create
- Delightful Creators [Fabric]: Making automation between Farmer's Delight and Create
- Create Foundry: Use your Create skills and machines to create the ultimate ore processor!
- All Mods have updated from 1.19.2 > 1.20.1
- Updated all resource packs from 1.19.2 > 1.20.1
- Updated all datapacks from 1.19.2 > 1.20.1
Temporary Removals Until Updated to 1.20.1
- Charm
- Stoneholm, Underground Villages (Fabric)
- KubeJS Create
- Create Deco Fabric
- Create Enchantment Industry Fabric
- Create Goggles
- Create: Elitia Addon
- REI Trades
- REI Loottables
- Enchantment Table Descriptions
Full Removals
- ForgetMeChunk
- Cammie's Minecart Tweaks
- Elytra Swap
- Let Me Play Iris
- Smooth Boot
- Moss Fix
- Camera Utils
- C2ME
- Starlight
- Sleepwarp
- Better Furnaces Reforged
- Factory API
Drippy Screen Tweaks
- Updated Version ID to v2.0.0
KubeJS Tweaks
- Client_Scripts\LandscapesReimagined_ClientTweak: Adjusted REI grouping to match new mod additions and mod removals
- Server_Scripts\Armor_Tools_Crushing: Rewrote Code to be usable without KubeJS Create, and added in new Armor and Tool create crushing recipes
- Server_Scripts\ChippedCreateTweaks: Rewrote Code to be usable without KubeJS Create
- Server_Scripts\FarmersKnives: Created Recipes for new farmers knife additions
- Server_Scripts\ImmersiveAircraftTweaks: Rewrote Code to be usable without KubeJS Create
- Server_Scripts\LandscapesReimagined_ServerTweaks: Rewrote Code to be usable without KubeJS Create, adjusted recipe removals, and added in a few new recipes
- Server_Scripts\LogRecipeAdditions: Added in new log to stick, chest, trapdoor, door, slab, and vertical slab recipes
- Server_Scripts\OreTweaks: Rewrote Code to be usable without KubeJS Create, and added create crushing recipes for new ores
- Server_Scripts\TomsSimpleStorage: Rewrote Code to be usable without KubeJS Create
Patchouli Book Tweaks
- Fixed all books to be compatible with new 1.20.1 guidelines
Config Tweaks
- Adjusted all mod configs to allow for a better playing experience, no more entity lag, stuttering when loading into a new world, and faster load and closing times
New Questlines
- Added in a brand new questing system to help players progress through the pack; quests created by Unheard Nightmare and rewards selected by M0nkeyPr0grammer.
Fancy Menu Tweaks
- Changed out and added in new screenshots to match new content of the new update
Note: If you encounter any issues, please request support on our Discord. Enjoy the update!
Want to read more about what was changed check out this Github Merge
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