Landscapes Reimagined Genesis
Dive into adventure with our mod pack! Explore Terralith, marvel at YUNG's, MES, and MVS Structures; embrace the iconic Create mod and addons, pristine performance mods, embark on a captivating questline, and more!
Landscapes Reimagined Genesis has been archived. Landscapes Reimagined Genesis will not receive any further updates unless the author decides to unarchive the project.
Modpack Patch Notes: Version 2.2.0 (Create and Modded Content Compatibility)
Release Date: October, 21, 2023
The latest update emphasizes enhanced compatibility with modded content, particularly with machinery from the "Create" mod. Additionally, this release incorporates updates to existing mods, introduces two new structure datapack add-ons, and reinstates the "Create" goggles feature from v1.19.
As a standard safety protocol, we advise creating a backup of your saved data prior to updating the modification package to ensure the preservation of your progress.
New Additions
- Create Goggles: Adds Goggle Helmets and Armored Backtanks for Create Mod
- Repurposed Structures - Yung's Better Nether Fortress Compat: Add a giant Jungle Fortress into the world based on Yung's Better Nether Fortress mod!
- Repurposed Structures - Better Jungle Temples Compat: Change RS Temples to be in Better Jungle Temple's style
- EnderChests: Adds linked Chests and Bags that share inventory. Can be Public, Personal, or Team, each with their own set of storage available. Works across dimensions.
- EnderTanks: Adds linked Tanks and Buckets that share inventory. Can be Public, Personal, or Team, each with their own set of storage available. Works across dimensions.
- ShetiPhianCore: Required for ShetiPhians Mods
- AudioPlayer: v1.8.2 > v1.8.3
- Comforts: v6.3.3 > v6.3.4
- Create Utilities: v0.1.3.1 > v0.1.3b
- KubeJS: v2001.6.3-build.52 > v2001.6.3-build.73
- MVS: v4.0.1 > v4.1.1
- Supplementaries: v2.6.12 > v2.6.14
- Better Statistics Screen: v3.3 > v3.4
- Drippy Loading Screen: v2.2.2 > v2.2.5-1
- Fancy Menu: v2.14.9 > v2.14.10-2
- Jade Addons: v5.2.1 > v5.2.2
- Konkrete: v1.6.1 > v1.7.0-1
- Moonlight: v2.8.50 > v2.8.51
- Roughly Enought Professions: v2.0.1 > v2.0.2
- Rhino: v2001.2.2-build.6 > v2001.2.2-build.11
- Bookshelf: v20.0.5 > v20.1.6
- Argonauts: v1.0.4 > v1.0.5
- Deeper and Darker: v1.2.0 > v1.2.1
- Friend and Foes: v1.9.7 > v1.9.8
- Landscapes Reimagined Dark Mode: v2.0.2 > v2.2.0
Temp Removals
- Simple Copper Pipes: Makes create filters unusable, will readd when bug is fixed
Drippy Screen Tweaks
- Updated Version ID to v2.2.0
KubeJS Tweaks
- kubejs\serverscripts\Armor_Tools_Crushing: Added in Processing Times for all recipes
- kubejs\serverscripts\ChippedCreateTweaks: Added in Processing Times for all recipes
- kubejs\serverscripts\CreateFoundry: Added in New Molten Ore mixing recipes, for brass and create crushed ores
- kubejs\serverscripts\FarmersDelightCuttingTweaks: Added in all Logs and Wood to Farmers Delight Cutting
- kubejs\serverscripts\ModdedLog_SawingAdditions: Added in Modded Log/Wood Create Cutting Recipes
- kubejs\serverscripts\OreTweaks: Added in Processing Times for all recipes
- kubejs\serverscripts\Flower_CrushingMillingTweaks: Added in modded flower crushing and milling recipes
- kubejs\serverscripts\LandscapesReimagined_ServerTweaks: Fix Diamond Grit Sandpaper recipe
- kubejs\clientscripts\LandscapesReimagined_ClientTweaks: Added in new groups
Note: If you encounter any issues, please request support on our Discord. Enjoy the update!
Want to Read More about what was changed check out this Github Merge
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createfoundry-1.2.1b1.20.1.jarAdded via overrides
itemscroller-fabric-1.20.1-0.20.0.jarAdded via overrides
malilib-fabric-1.20.1-0.16.3.jarAdded via overrides
tweakeroo-fabric-1.20.1-0.17.1.jarAdded via overrides
deeperdarker-fabric-1.20-1.2.1.jarAdded via overrides
iris-flywheel-compat-1.20.1-0.2.1.jarAdded via overrides
dynview-fabric-1.20.1-3.2.jarAdded via overrides
minihud-fabric-1.20.1-0.27.0.jarAdded via overrides
ctov-3.3.5a.jarAdded via overrides
litematica-fabric-1.20.1-0.15.3.jarAdded via overrides
createchunkloading-1.6.0-fabric.jarAdded via overrides
Landscapes Reimagined.mrpack(131.09 MiB) Primary
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