Quick emergency hotfix for Cobblemon 1.6.
Bug Fixes
- Non-immersion-friendly mons no longer spawn by default.
- Fixed Suikani and Fanatee spawning in completely wrong areas.
Compatibility Patch for Cobblemon 1.6. Includes fishing spawns and functionality with the new Pokédex.
- Fishing spawns for Anemini, Nurumone, Suikani, Babito, Emposter, Masquerjade, Fubber, Salamarine, Pikapod, Hydron, Fanatee, Brunatee, Manafreed, Cephalange and Magnipulo.
- "Goombia" now shows up as a category in the Pokédex, and our fakemon can be found in the National Dex as well. (Note that there are some issues with some of our custom forms not showing up, such as with Flapestry and Pikapod. We're working to fix this!)
- Reformatted dex entries for all mons.
- Fenskito and Skeetobelle now spawn more often at night.
Bug Fixes
- Drakoon now evolves into Grugg at level 40, as intended. (Oops!)
- Fenskito no longer spawns in absurd numbers in swamp biomes.
Patch that fixes Goombian Koffing and some bugs with our fossil mod, Make sure to download the latest version!
- Puffoon and Fubber no longer spawn in Deep Oceans.
- Smouse line now spawns in Toxic Nether biomes.
- Croppup is now twice as common during a full moon.
- Jodoki line is now less common in the Nether.
- Emposter line now spawns more often at night.
- Thespatine now spawns more often at twilight.
- Fossie line spawns more often when it's thundering.
- Puffoon is now less common.
- Jodoki line can now swim in and walk on lava.
- Decreased Pikapod's land speed.
- Wild Thespatine stand still less often.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue causing deleted loot tables if the datapack was used without the mod, the mod itself now modifies loot tables.
- Goombian Koffing and Maractus now use the species addition feature to prevent overwrites with other datapacks.
- Goombian Koffing now spawns properly.
Introducing the "Polish" update! This update has a heavy focus on many improvements and fixing long-standing issues with our pack, as well as bringing GG&T to Cobblemon v1.5.2!
- Our fossil mons, Protobi and Upsigenia can now be resurrected from the Frill and Lobe fossil respectively, just like other fossil mons! Make sure to download this mod to find them in-game: (https://modrinth.com/mod/ggt-fakemon-fossils)
- Larvern's final evolution: Grugg, has finally been added!
- Pikapod has been added!
- Thespatine has been added!
- Jodoki has been added!
- Umeltaka has been added!
- Fanatee has been added!
- Manafreed has been added!
- Brunatee has been added!
- Protobi, Protoffin, Cephalange, Brunatee, Manafreed, Jodoki, Umeltaka, and Grugg all have battle idles!
- Thespatine, Umeltaka, and Grugg also have attack animations! With more coming soon!
- Masticat, Drosphilia and Larvern lines now finally have shinies! That means all of our mons have shinies now!
- All of our mons now have dex entries without placeholders, with plans to flesh them out more later on.
- Fleshed out all of our drops, giving many mons berry drops, and Cobblemon mod drops (such as Battery and Smoke Ball).
- Totally remodeled Debugs to make use of particle effects!
- Massively reworked the spawns of ALL of our mons, making many of them more common, functional, and consistent with Cobblemon v1.5.2.
- Protobi, Protoffin, Upsigenia, and Hallucerebra spawns are now disabled by default (see additions above).
- For the sake of simplicity, mons excluded from the immersion-friendly versions in the past now have their spawns disabled by default. Re-enable their spawn files to see mons like Goom and Reita again!
- Funerun's hidden ability is now Rock Head (was Perish Body).
- Toombie's hidden ability is now Limber (was Perish Body).
- Larvern now gets Quick Attack and Counter as egg moves.
- Drakoon now learns Scale Shot at level 36 (previously level 40).
- Cephalange no longer spawns in warm oceans.
- Reita now only spawns during a full moon.
- Ascrolyte is much more common now, and makes use of new Cobblemon ruin structures.
- Omnicog line is more common now.
- Taikoch is more common now.
- Slinkalink is more common now.
- Larvern line is more common now.
- Fubber line is more common now.
- Goombian Koffing and Sneezing are more common now.
- Wild Magnipulo will now stay in one place for more often.
- Croppup is now "rare" rather than "ultra-rare".
- Many other changes that we forgot to list!
Bug Fixes
- All of our mons now have properly aligned party and PC icons. Hurray!
- All of our mons have proper, unique dex numbers now. Oops..
- Improved the hitboxes of a lot of our mons.
- Cephalange now has wide guard as an egg move as intended.
- Fixed Salamarine's shiny not showing up.
- Regular Koffing can now evolve into Weezing properly.
- Nephigan now spawns properly.
- Nurumone line now spawns properly.
- Workahollo line now spawns properly.
- Goom line should now spawn underground properly.
- Flapestry line now spawns in villages at night properly.
- Magnipulo now spawns properly.
- Many other fixes that we forgot to list!
Introducing the Dunes and Depths update! This themed update has a focus on mons that live in ocean and desert biomes!
- Ascrolyte has been added!
- Flapestry has been added!
- Isuckle has been added!
- Desmotel has been added!
- Anemini has been added!
- Nurumone has been added!
- Cephalange has been added!
- Magnipulo has been added!
- Protobi, Protoffin, Upsigenia, and Hallucerebra have been added! (our very own fossil mons!)
- Alpioca has been added!
- Croppup has been added!
- Lunage has been added!
- Mons that should have emissives, now have them (they glow!)
- Gave shiny textures to many mons!
- Reduced Reita totem of undying drop chance.
Bug Fixes
- Mons t-posing when in water fixed.
- Fixed some mons not learning certain moves upon level up.
- Misteamie faint animation properly implemented.
This patch should make GG&T Pack compatible with Cobblemon's 1.3 update, disregarding any bugs on their end.
- Multiple shinies have been implemented.
- Misteamie faint animation added.
- Tarblin now gets Bone Rush earlier.
- Salamarine now gets Flame Burst earlier.
- Kamikiku's BST now properly matches Hueblow.
- Vaalzebub now spawns less commonly in the nether.
If updating from v1.0 to this one, all Slinkalink variants, Goombian Koffing, and Airpy must be released from your party and PC or all of your pokémon will be lost!! Also, because of their name change, Bug and Bugs must be released if updating from 1.0 or 1.0.1.
- Lymming has been added!
- Karstory has been added!
- Workahollo has been added!
- Karoshicore has been added!
- Poseiclops has been added!
- Drosphilia has been added!
- Vaalzebub has been added!
- Masticat has been added!
- Chewshire has been added!
- Omnicog has been added!
- Misteamie has been added!
- Oremand has been added!
- Drakoon has been added!
- Salamarine has been added!
- Gave shiny textures to almost all mons!
- Animated almost all mons!
- Bug is now named Bugbyte.
- Bugs is now named Debugs.
Bug Fixes
- Hydron hitbox fixed.
- Hueblow hitbox fixed.
- Shoggolith hitbox fixed.
- Emposter now evolves properly.
If updating from v1.0 to this one, all Slinkalink variants, Goombian Koffing, and Airpy must be released from your party and PC or all of your pokémon will be lost!!
- Slinkalink, Goombian Koffing, and Airpy are now considered to be actual forms instead of separate species. (See disclaimer!!)
- Larvern is slightly bigger.
- Reita is much rarer in The End.
- Airpy now spawns less on sky islands.
- Maractaya now learns Flamethrower instead of Fiery Dance.
- Maractaya now learns Dragon Pulse instead of Revelation Dance.
Bug Fixes
- Tarblin now learns Tar Shot properly.
- Maractaya now learns Dragon Dance properly.
- Googaloothwomp now learns Smack Down properly.
Initial release.