on Jul 31, 2024-
Updated to the latest version of NeoForge (21.0.146)
Added new shared sound effects for shotgun
Added new rattle audio effect for weapons
Optimized temporary game data
Optimized rendering for several prop block entities
Made reductions to weapon audio pollution
Fixed Type 18 Yuganda skin
Fixed time of day not being set correctly
Fixed player heads not ordered correctly on Domination and Conquest game modes
Fixed blast doors, which are now blast-proof from explosives
Fixed inconsistencies in hotbar scrolling
Updated to the latest release of NeoForge (21.0.139-beta)
Updated to the latest version of Geckolib (4.5.7)
Added auto-AFK kick after 5 minutes
Added ability to toggle 3rd person while in a vehicle
Added missing bullet block attributes for wool and glass
Added new equip and throw sounds for Molotov item
Updated max stack size of medical and ammo bags to 4
Made improvements to bullet impact and effect attributes
Decreased volume of debris sound effects from explosions
Reduced end-game timer from 1 minute to 45 seconds
Fixed Gun Game matches not resetting correctly
Fixed top players displaying in the correct order
Fixed Barkowitz tutorials displaying behind UI pop-ups
Fixed Barkowitz tutorials displaying too early during Settings or Friends pop-out UI
Fixed being able to beep the horn when not the driver
Fixed being unable to shoot through glass and glass panes
Fixed missing impact effects for wool blocks
Updated to the latest release of NeoForge (21.0.93-beta)
Made improvements to match summary screens
Fixed block penetration and attributes
Fixed summary screen not displaying when joining match late
Removed unnecessary animation when hovering over map vote
Cleaned up and re-organized admin commands
Updated to the latest version of NeoForge (21.0.85-beta)
Added a new equip sound when equipping the commander radio
Added new match summary UI to replace existing map vote UI
Reduced 1st-person visual gun sway
Made air-strike frequency less consistent
Enhanced 3D ambient audio
Enhanced air-strike audio
Fixed Cloud not sending feature flags to MM servers
Fixed spacing in clan tag on player nameplate
Fixed radio item status not rendering correctly
Fixed being unable to leave a brigade
Fixed item float animation in armory UI
Fixed new matches always starting with Caen
Added 'Saints' skin for Colt M1911
Added 'Dynasty' skin for M30
Added new shoot sound for Kar98K Rifle
Added wall-bang attributes to Hay blocks
Adjusted battlefield and italy shaders
Enhanced weapon audio
Fixed several issues with vanilla shaders
Fixed incorrect coin displaying for Brigade members
Updated to the latest version of NeoForge (21.0.42-beta)
Updated to the latest version of GeckoLib (4.5.6)
Added Tiger Ausf. H Tank
Improved weapon audio
Improved bullet tracer rendering
Improved weapon sounds from non-client players
Improved weapon inspection
Cleaned up Winchester 1895 animations
Adjusted scale of Panzer IV Tank
Updated flag textures for France and US
Removed unused sound files
Fixed Blyskawica Sweici skin
Fixed blood splat particle rendering
Fixed tank barrel not moving up/down with player rotation
Fixed player data not syncing correctly in local game instances
Fixed prone not applying correctly in local game instances
Updated to Minecraft 1.21 :tada:
Updated to the latest version of NeoForge (21.0.21-beta)
Updated to the latest version of GeckoLib (4.5.5)
Added new vehicle sounds for car-like vehicles
Added 'Frontier' skin for the Trenchgun by TNT1243
Added 'Coachman' skin for the Winchester 1895 by CXLIII
Increased acceleration speed of Willys Jeep
Enhanced bullet tracer rendering
Fixed certain vehicles causing a client-side crash
Fixed Willys Jeep typo in entity ID
Fixed being able to use syringes on dead players
Fixed Type 18 Karasu skin (coal)
Fixed KIS Zolotoy skin
Fixed A6M Zero and P51 Mustang animations and models
Fixed F1 not hiding the entire game overlay
Fixed dropping items in Bootcamp causing them to disappear
Updated to the latest version of NeoForge (20.6.116)
Updated to the latest version of GeckoLib (4.6.4)
Added new Willys Jeep model, texture and animations
Added Willys Jeep vehicle entity
Optimized match & game logic
Explosions no longer apply knock-back if the affected player is in a match
Updated to the latest version of NeoForge (20.6.112-beta)
Syringe items are now stackable by 8
Optimized image rendering
Optimized text rendering
Optimized block entity and block rendering
Fixed options back pop-up not showing 'Okay' button
Fixed create party button staying hidden after re-connecting to the cloud
Fixed decoy grenades displaying smoke effects when affiliated with a musket
Fixed game pause status not resetting after match resets
Fixed time played incrementing incorrectly
Updated to the latest version of NeoForge (20.6.99-beta)
Updated to the latest version of GeckoLib (4.5.3)
Optimized bot AI and goals structure
Bots can now suppress your cover for a short period of time
Capture point siren is now toggled off by default
Removed Flash from the map rotation
Fixed block-breaking particles showing while punching a block with a weapon in hand
Fixed vehicle tilt calculations using the wrong collision context
Fixed Prestige prompt displaying the incorrect next prestige level
Updated to the latest version of NeoForge (20.6.70-beta)
Added Bastogne map to Domination
Added clan tag to player nametag
Added a new "lit" block-state for ceiling light and street lamp blocks
Class names on the scoreboard now include class level
Shake nodes can now be triggered via animation instructions
Shake nodes can now be triggered via command
Updated several different shake nodes
Fixed formatting of clan members on the friends list
Fixed a nameplate rendering crash
Fixed FB Vis Sweieci skin
Fixed Walther P38 bullet not ejecting
Fixed Discord stats command not displaying the correct Discord link status
Removed unnecessary MAC OS check to disable shaders
Updated to the latest version of NeoForge (20.6.61-beta)
Added a new toggleable blur effect while viewing the in-match scoreboard
Added a new toggleable bullet eject puff effect (Off by default)
Added new 7TP Pelican Tank model and textures
MG-42 now has two belts of 250 rounds instead of 4 belts of 75
Team balancing now randomly flips which team the sorted players are added to
Made improvements to crosshair rendering
Joining an Infected match that is on round 5 or more will grant you $600 starting cash
Fixed vehicles not summoning correctly
Fixed Flak 88 and Type 96 not rendering correctly while operating
Fixed the leave button not showing on the Brigades screen
Fixed notification settings filling up with empty setting entries
Fixed the armory background rendering upside down
Fixed STG-44 having an incorrect ammunition count
Fixed positional shake nodes not triggering
Fixed shake nodes rotation calculation
Removed Flamethrowers from Infected vendor store
Optimised weapon rendering
Optimised UI rendering
Optimised match effects rendering
Set Prestige 1 as the first prestige level instead of Prestige 2
Replaced Prestige Coins with Prestige Cards
Made improvements to Gun Game HUD
Increased Gun Game match time from 10 minutes to 15
Fixed client-side crash in Gun Game
Fixed Infected ending after round 29 instead of after round 30
Fixed game sometimes failing to initialise correctly
Fixed several occasions in which weapon animations freeze
Fixed weapon animations playing within a GUI context
Fixed callout text showing with blur effect
Fixed bot path-finding around street lights and other blocks
Made improvements to vanilla shader effects
Updated to the latest version of NeoForge (20.6.39-beta)
Added new color scheme for Prestige
Fixed several prompt error messages not parsing correctly
Fixed clicking while dead causing client-side crash
Fixed main menu background rendering upside down
Fixed Type-38 desert
Fixed the leave button not showing on Brigade UI
Fixed buttons on clan UI re-adding themselves when adjusting screen size
Fixed offline brigade members also including offline friends
Fixed the weight of the Type 98 LMG
Fixed specific map shaders causing lag spikes and FPS drops
Fixed MP-3008 Scheinen skin missing
Updated to the latest version of Minecraft (1.20.6)
Updated to the latest version of NeoForge (20.6.28-beta)
Updated to the latest version of Geckolib (4.5.1)
Added Brigades (Experimental Clans Feature)
Added new Type 98 LMG
Added new experimental blur effect while inspecting weapons
Adjusted drop rates for specific rarities
Replaced old daily challenges system with brand new system
Decreased reload time for M30 shotgun
Daily challenges now grant EXP reward rather than Emeralds
Fixed daily challenges not resetting or refreshing correctly
Fixed several cloud items not displaying the correct Minecraft item
Fixed the bullet bones on the Howell model
Fixed aim positions of several weapons
Fixed position of items displayed in weapon crates
Fixed Pustynya skin for PPS43
Fixed animations for the Webley revolver
Fixed equip animation for Trenchgun shotgun
Fixed Bren MK1 LMG model
Fixed sights on Sten, MP-3008 and KIS SMGs
Increased aim-speed of pistol weapons
Revamped back-end networking
Fixed missing Thompson textures
Fixed aim position of Luger pistol
Fixed aim position of Panzerfaust
Fixed post-fire sound effects for weapons
Fixed German AT III using the incorrect primary weapon
Fixed missing skin textures for the Carcano
Fixed removing player from friends list not having visual feedback
Fixed missing clip from Howell Rifle
Removed anti-cheat layer that was causing false positives from resource packs
Removed Solothurn AT Rifle
Removed M1944 Rifle
Added new Carcano M91 TS Rifle
Added new textures, models and animations for BATR
Added new textures, models and animations for Blysk SMG
Added new textures, models and animations for Kop-pal SMG
Added new textures, models and animations for Breda Safat
Added new textures, models and animations for Fiat Revelli
Added new textures, models and animations for M2 Flamethrower
Added new textures, models and animations for Flammenwerfer 34
Added new textures, models and animations for Nambu Type 94
Added new textures, models and animations for Nambu Type 14
Added new skins for several weapons
Added new Wz. 35 Anti-tank Rifle
Added new Type 18 (Shotgun Variant)
Added new Browning A5 (Auto-5) Shotgun
Added new M1A1 Thompson SMG
Added new M1928a1 Thompson SMG
Added new flesh impact effects
Added M2 Flamethrower Backpack
Added Flammenwerfer 34 Backpack
Added maximum ammo capacities for different magazine types
Added the ability to shoot flamethrower backpacks
Added No-Scope
Player capes are now hidden while in a match
Updated several classes to align with new weapons
Fixed player's right hand facing the wrong direction
Fixed player hands not positioned correctly on particular weapons
Fixed reload animation not aligning with the held weapon
Fixed reload sounds on Browning Hi-Power
Fixed scope flare to be more consistent
Fixed weapon rendering logic
Fixed bullet snap sound effects not playing
Fixed being unable to interact or attack through a barrier block
Fixed incorrect items in several classes
Downgraded to an earlier version of NeoForge (20.4.218)
Added new model and texture for the German Radio block
Added several new wall wire variants
Improved positioning of UI display for wall wire blocks
Fixed gun sway bobbing not decreasing when not holding a weapon
Fixed translation of Decoration Block
Fixed translation of Super Happy Fun Bomb
Fixed non-default barrel types not displaying on the weapon name
Fixed transparency of wooden target decal block
Fixed being able to open chests while in a match
Fixed third person camera while in a match
Updated to the latest version of NeoForge (20.4.223)
Added visual feedback to recoil while crouching
Added Lanchester variant of Sten Mk2 to British Gunner II class
Added new MP-40 model, skins and animations
Added new MP-41 model, skins and animations
Added new FN Model 1910 model, skins and animations
Added new FB Vis model, skins and animations
Added new Browning Hi-Power model, skins and animations
Added new Glisenti Model 1910 model, skins and animations
Added a new equip animation to several weapons
Added experimental 'Immersive Bobbing' setting
Added new models and textures for wire and light blocks
Added new Bunker button blocks
Increased wait time between prone and shooting
Reduced frequency of environment ambient sound effects
Reverted back to the original bird chirp ambient sounds
Enhanced audio of bullet impact sound effects
Enhanced headshot audio sound effects
Updated textures for several decal blocks
Improved mag types and barrel types framework
Fixed slots being highlighted when the mouse is outside of the scroller container
Fixed some of the Poland commander classes not having a radio item
Fixed scroller container and mouse issues
Fixed aim position of M-30 shotgun
Fixed bots reloading the wrong amount of ammunition
Fixed reload sound of Winchester
Fixed several broken gun skins