Fixed carcass offset issue. Fixed an item duplication issue.
Fixed Soap missing a recipe. Fixed Loc issues with Effects.
- Added Butcher Block, a wooden table for butchering small game and cutting up items.
- Added Grinder, used for grinding up meat and extruding sausages.
- Added Chicken butchering.
- Added Rabbit butchering.
- Added Goat butchering.
- Added wearables, they make animals follow you at a greater speed than leads. Can spawn on mobs, making nearby animals hostile to you.
- Added Blood as a fluid
- Added Barn Wood
- Added Taxidermy blocks. Stationary models of animals.
- Added Sausage and Blood Sausage.
- Added PPE wearables.
- Added Soap.
- Added negative effects to butchering. Prevented by PPE or by cleaning off with soap.
- Added Heads and Skulls of all butcherable animals. Can be worn but not suggested due to clipping issues.