dwayne 'the block' johnson takes a trip to 1.21.4
dwayne 'the block' johnson makes his debut on 1.21
Bug Fixes
- Fixed console 'credits' error
- Added Dwayne "The Creative Tab" Johnson
- Buffed Dwayne "The Block" Johnson recipe
- Dwayne "The Block" and Dwayne "The Stairs" Johnson right click floating feature has been restricted to only work when wielding Dwayne "The Item" Johnson. (It's easier to build dwayne buildings now!
- Assets have been compressed to make the jar file smaller
Bug Fixes
- Unused particle texture that broke mipmapping has been removed (credit: glisco)
- Fixed Dwayne "The Sound" Johnson from being stereo to mono
- Optimized Dwayne "The Stairs" Johnson code to not spam the server with unnecessary maths
- Fixed Dwayne "The Stairs" Johnson particles while running on stairs to show in all 4 cardinal directions, not just east (💀)
Updated to Minecraft 1.20
- Updated to 1.19.4
Small hotfix by @gliscowo addressing Dwayne "The Pot" and Dwayne "The Flower" Johnson rendering.
- Added Dwayne "The Wall" Johnson
- Added Dwayne "The Flower" Johnson
- Added Dwayne "The Pot" Johnson (Dwayne in a flower pot, craftable or right click pot with a dwayne flower)
- Optimized textures slightly
- Updated for 1.19 (1.18.2 version parity)
- Reverted to using 32x textures rather than 64x
- Compressed audio file to reduce file size by ~200MB 💀
Khazoda's rewrite of original mod by 4dcube, keeping texture the same but higher resolution.
Higher resolution, animated texture
Right Click Interaction
Redstone Interaction
Physical contact with stairs interaction
- Walls to be added in future update