-Fixed setInsertableSlots method from FabricItemStorage
First Beta Version! -Fixed the methods drainItem and fillItem from ItemContainerUtil don't playing empty and fill sounds -Fixed lang entry
-Re added ItemEnergyExtractContext of ItemStack extractEnergy method in ItemContainerUtil
-Added method to get platform energy name
-Removed ItemEnergyExtractContext because of limitations of Forge Energy Capability
-Added ItemEnergyExtractContext as output of ItemContainerUtil extractEnergy method
-Fixed swap on energy insert and extract in FabricEnergyStorage
-Removed insertableSlots from IPlatformItemHandler momently -Removed ItemContainerUtil.DrainContext -Added ItemContainerUtil.ItemDrainContext to get the result container of the fluid drain
-Added possibility to set the extractable and insertable slots from IPlatformItemHandler
-Added energy Storages variant for PlatformEnergyStorage and CraftyEnergyStorage -Fixed Energy Api Storage from expected platform method
-Added preliminar support for Forge Energy and Tech Reborn Energy -Added this support in new ItemContainerUtil methods
-Added ItemContainerUtil
This mod is not required for the API to work
-Initial Version
-Initial Version