FPS Overlay 1.7
- ✨ Updated overlay design
- ⚙️ Updated to 1.21.4 (The Garden Awakens)
FPS Overlay 1.7
- ✨ Updated overlay design
Idk update
- 🌍 Updated localization (ua, by)
- 🎨 Text color setting
- ⚙️ Code optimizations
Custom text update
- Updated to 1.21.1
- Now you can set custom text to display. Supports placeholders such as {fps}, {minFps}, {maxFps}, {systemTime}, {x}, {y}, {z}.
Custom text update
- Updated to 1.21.1
- Now you can set custom text to display. Supports placeholders such as {fps}, {minFps}, {maxFps}, {systemTime}, {x}, {y}, {z}.
Сustomization update
- Fixed bug with localization for 1.20.
- Added settings to change the color and transparency of widgets. Each widget can be changed individually.
Positioning update
- Added settings for changing overlay position.
Hotkeys Update
- Added F1 hotkey that hides the overlay. The hotkey can be reassigned in the settings.
Mod Menu and Localization update
- Added Mod Menu support
- Added en_us, ru_ru localization.
First Release!!! 🎉
Version 1.0
- FPS Overlay
- Advanced FPS Overlay (Min/Max FPS)