1.20.2 - 1.20.4 Version of the 3.0 Release. See below for release notes in the changelog.
3.0 Release notes
- Removed Cloth Config API dependency
- Removed the Config Menu
- Now, the only customization option is the Display Type.
- There are Color Ranges for the HUD.
Display Type elaborated
There are two modes: 0 and 1. 0 is the default. 0 only displays Target Durability while Experience Bottles are held in hand. 1 Shows the Target Durability always.
To toggle between the two modes, press the 'U' key. The mod will notify you via the Chat. Can be changed in the Controls screen in Options
Explaination of Color Ranges
The text color of the Target Durability HUD is now dependent upon the Target Durability itself.
🟢Green (0xFF00FF00) durability: above 350.
🟡Yellow (0xFFFFFF00) durability: 250 - 350.
🟠Orange (0xFFFFA500) durability: 120 - 250.
🔴Red (0xFFFF0000) durability: below 120.
1.20.1 - 1.20.3 Version of the 2.0 Release. See below for release notes in the changelog.
2.0 Release notes
- Second release.
- Requires 1.16.5 Fabric API.
- Mod is now customizable.
- Cloth config API is now a required dependency of this mod.
The key to open the config is Left Alt by default, it can be changed in the controls menu of your game.
There are three options that are able to be changed:
Durability repaired with each bottle: The amount of durability that is repaired per experience bottle. This will only be used in calculating the target durability.
Display type: Determine whether the display will rendered all the time or only be rendered when Experience bottles are held in hand.
Position: Determine the position of the display being rendered on the HUD.
See below for more info.
Enterable values
Durability repaired with each bottle: Any number.
Display type:
0 = Only rendered when Experience Bottles are held in hand.
1 = Always rendered. -
default = Default position as shown in Gallery.
hotbar = Rendered above the hotbar.
bottom_left = Rendered in bottom left.
bottom_right = Rendered in bottom right.
top_left = Rendered in top left.
top_right = Rendered in top right. -
Enter these values only. Entering anything else will not work.
Note: When enabling option to view the target durability always, the mod will give "Not set" as an output until Experience Bottles are held in hand so they can calculated. This will be changed in later versions.
Updated to 1.21.1
Updated to 1.21
Release notes
- Forumla for calculating the mod has been changed (Thanks to AstatineNaN)
- Formula is highly accurate
- Wastes less Experience Bottles
- Better mends! First release!
Added icon
This version calculates the durability you need to mend towards based on your current armor durability and the amount of Experience Bottles that you currently have and display it on your game near the bottom right.