UPDATE 1.19.4-1.2 (Fabric)
NEW STRUCTURES -level_two_ruins2 -level_two_ruins3
SPAWN WEIGHT CHANGES -The spawn weight for the ruins is a 10% increase for being less common in separation.
HAUNTED RUINS SPAWN CHANCE -There is a 55 increase for being a haunted ruin at night.
UPDATE 1.19.4-1.2 (Forge)
NEW STRUCTURES -level_two_ruins2 -level_two_ruins3
SPAWN WEIGHT CHANGES -The spawn weight for the ruins is a 10% increase for being less common in separation.
HAUNTED RUINS SPAWN CHANCE -There is a 55 increase for being a haunted ruin at night.
UPDATE 1.19.3-5.5 (Fabric)
NEW STRUCTURES -level_two_ruins2 -level_two_ruins3
SPAWN WEIGHT CHANGES -The spawn weight for the ruins is a 10% increase for being less common in separation.
HAUNTED RUINS SPAWN CHANCE -There is a 55 increase for being a haunted ruin at night.
UPDATE 1.19.3-5.3 (Forge)
NEW STRUCTURES -level_two_ruins2 -level_two_ruins3
SPAWN WEIGHT CHANGES -The spawn weight for the ruins is a 10% increase for being less common in separation.
HAUNTED RUINS SPAWN CHANCE -There is a 55 increase for being a haunted ruin at night.
UPDATE 1.19.2-5.4 (Fabric)
NEW STRUCTURES -level_two_ruins2 -level_two_ruins3
SPAWN WEIGHT CHANGES -The spawn weight for the ruins is a 10% increase for being less common in separation.
HAUNTED RUINS SPAWN CHANCE -There is a 55 increase for being a haunted ruin at night.
UPDATE 1.19.2-5.2 (Forge)
NEW STRUCTURES -level_two_ruins2 -level_two_ruins3
SPAWN WEIGHT CHANGES -The spawn weight for the ruins is a 10% increase for being less common in separation.
HAUNTED RUINS SPAWN CHANCE -There is a 55 increase for being a haunted ruin at night.
UPDATE 1.19.4-1.1 (Fabric)
NEW STRUCTURES -level_one_ruins15 -level_one_ruins16
-antiquus_crypta This is a new ancient crypt which the name is in Latin. The structure includes a underground crypt for you to explore. You can find one of these structures through the small ruins on the surface. When exploring please be careful about mobs, thus they can spawn a lot more often in the crypts. Please note that this structure is a work in process, and it may not be finished yet.
SPAWN WEIGHT CHANGES -The spawn weight for the ruins is now a 10% less common than before.
UPDATE 1.19.4-1.1 (Forge)
NEW STRUCTURES -level_one_ruins15 -level_one_ruins16
-antiquus_crypta This is a new ancient crypt which the name is in Latin. The structure includes a underground crypt for you to explore. You can find one of these structures through the small ruins on the surface. When exploring please be careful about mobs, thus they can spawn a lot more often in the crypts. Please note that this structure is a work in process, and it may not be finished yet.
SPAWN WEIGHT CHANGES -The spawn weight for the ruins is now a 10% less common than before.
UPDATE 1.19.3-5.4 (Fabric)
NEW STRUCTURES -level_one_ruins15 -level_one_ruins16
-antiquus_crypta This is a new ancient crypt which the name is in Latin. The structure includes a underground crypt for you to explore. You can find one of these structures through the small ruins on the surface. When exploring please be careful about mobs, thus they can spawn a lot more often in the crypts. Please note that this structure is a work in process, and it may not be finished yet.
SPAWN WEIGHT CHANGES -The spawn weight for the ruins is now a 10% less common than before.
UPDATE 1.19.3-5.2 (Forge)
NEW STRUCTURES -level_one_ruins15 -level_one_ruins16
-antiquus_crypta This is a new ancient crypt which the name is in Latin. The structure includes a underground crypt for you to explore. You can find one of these structures through the small ruins on the surface. When exploring please be careful about mobs, thus they can spawn a lot more often in the crypts. Please note that this structure is a work in process, and it may not be finished yet.
SPAWN WEIGHT CHANGES -The spawn weight for the ruins is now a 10% less common than before.
UPDATE 1.19.2-5.3 (Fabric)
NEW STRUCTURES -level_one_ruins15 -level_one_ruins16
-antiquus_crypta This is a new ancient crypt which the name is in Latin. The structure includes a underground crypt for you to explore. You can find one of these structures through the small ruins on the surface. When exploring please be careful about mobs, thus they can spawn a lot more often in the crypts. Please note that this structure is a work in process, and it may not be finished yet.
SPAWN WEIGHT CHANGES -The spawn weight for the ruins is now a 10% less common than before.
UPDATE 1.19.2-5.1 (Forge)
NEW STRUCTURES -level_one_ruins15 -level_one_ruins16
-antiquus_crypta This is a new ancient crypt which the name is in Latin. The structure includes a underground crypt for you to explore. You can find one of these structures through the small ruins on the surface. When exploring please be careful about mobs, thus they can spawn a lot more often in the crypts. Please note that this structure is a work in process, and it may not be finished yet.
SPAWN WEIGHT CHANGES -The spawn weight for the ruins is now a 10% less common than before.
UPDATE 1.19.4-1.0 (Fabric)
This is the first version of 1.19.4
UPDATE 1.19.4-1.0 (Forge)
This is the first version of 1.19.4
UPDATE 1.19.3-5.3 (Fabric)
NEW STRUCTURES -level_two_ruins1
UPDATE 1.19.3-5.1 (Forge)
NEW STRUCTURES -level_two_ruins1
UPDATE 1.19.2-5.2 (Fabric)
NEW STRUCTURES -level_two_ruins1
UPDATE 1.19.2-5.0 (Forge)
NEW STRUCTURES -level_two_ruins1
UPDATE 1.19.3-5.2.1 (Fabric)
[NEW STRUCTURES] -level_one_ruins13 -level_one_ruins14
[NEW STRUCTURE PROCESSOR] -A new structure processor has been added. This will include the moss and vines. to me different on certain ruins.
[HUNTED RUINS] -Small ruins have a small chance at spawning a zombie or a skeleton. This will only happen in level_one_ruins.
[BUG FIXES] -Bug label as 16178 STRUCTURE SPAWNING : philipsruins:level_two_ruins_pool bug There was an underground structure spawning above surface level. That is now fixed.
-Fixed Game crash when loading up a world or the game menu.
UPDATE 1.19.3-5.0.1 (Forge)
[NEW STRUCTURES] -level_one_ruins13 -level_one_ruins14
[NEW STRUCTURE PROCESSOR] -A new structure processor has been added. This will include the moss and vines. to me different on certain ruins.
[HUNTED RUINS] -Small ruins have a small chance at spawning a zombie or a skeleton. This will only happen in level_one_ruins.
[BUG FIXES] -Bug label as 16178 STRUCTURE SPAWNING : philipsruins:level_two_ruins_pool bug There was an underground structure spawning above surface level. That is now fixed.
-Fixed Game crash when loading up a world or the game menu.