* Updated to 1.20.6
* Updated to 1.21
* Updated to 1.21.1
* Updated to 1.21.2
* Updated to 1.21.3
* Added missing itemstack destroyed check
* Added missing recipe
* Added missing loot table
* Added missing tags
* Added Barter Block
This block allows to auto-trade with Piglins by adding them into it.
It can take up to 4 Piglins per block.
The ammount of items per operation will depend on the ammount of Piglins inside.
It takes 240 ticks (~12 seconds) per operation.
It can be automated by inserting Gold Ingots on top and extracting the outputs at
the bottom.
If the all 4 output slots are occupied, the bartering will halt.
If the input is empty, the bartering will halt.
If a Piglin is added/remove the bartering time resets.
If broken, all the items and Piglins inside will drop.
To add a Piglin to the block, right-click with the Piglin item on it.
To remove a Piglin, sneak + right-click the blcok with an empty hand.
Right-clicking the block will open the GUI.
* Block other mods from using the same KEY
* Updated to 1.20.2
* Updated to 1.20.4
* Ported to Architectury
* Added caching to improve performance
* Added compatibility with Open Parties and Claims
* Added config option to enable / disable this integration
* If enabled, the player won't be able to pickup Piglins in another player claim
Know Issues:
* In Minecraft 1.16.5 picking up a Piglin with sneak + right-click displays the wrong message