- "Port" to NeoForge
- Get it working properly on 1.21.1+ and Sodium 0.6
Usage of this version is discouraged. It has very narrow version support, will not receive updates, and is mildly unstable.
- Added a config file
- Added support for toggling SSAA at runtime
- Added a config screen that facilitates side-by-side comparison — only works on 1.19.2, but doesn't crash on other versions due to ModMenu being smart about it
- Guava and ModMenu API differences mean no 1.17- support
- MatrixStack changes mean no 1.19.3 support
- Changed how the alpha fix is done, fixing breakage of world autoscreenshots
- Fixed alpha channel not being ignored in screenshots, causing some things to be invisible (e.g. Yttr Bloques, Modern Industrialization pipes, Lib39 halos)
- Screenshots are now automatically downsampled
- Initial release — created this as a quick hack to record Yttr demos, but it's a pretty nice little thing that I couldn't find any other implementations of, so here you go.