- Support WaterPlayer 1.1.0-alpha.1
Russian | Русский
- Полностью переписан код!
- Сделан переход с Loom на official Mojang Mappings
- Сделан полный переход с Cloth Config на Yet Another Config Lib
- Оптимизация кода конфигурации
- Переход с старого парсера локализации на StarScript
- Добавлен новый набор "Stones" (Не задавайте вопросы)
- Улучшение работа обновлений статуса, теперь обновление чаще, но повторы не будут обновлять статус до изменений.
- Добавлена поддержка WaterPlayer (бывший KelUtils/Music)
English | Англ. язык
- Completely rewritten code!
- Made the transition from Loom to official Mojang Mappings
- Made a complete switch from Cloth Config to Yet Another Config Lib
- Optimization of configuration code
- Migrated from old localization parser to StarScript
- Added a new set of Stones (Don't Ask Questions)
- Improved how status updates work, now update more often, but replays will not update status before changes.
- Added support for WaterPlayer (former KelUtils/Music)
Russian | Русский
- Добавлен tooltip в категории Клиент
- Добавлен заменитель в локализации: minecraft.tech
- cpu
- screen_resolution
- Очистка кода
- Убрана поддержка Alina API
- Заменены ссылки assets.kelcuprum.ru на ссылки гитхаб репозитория simply-kel/SimplyStatus-Icons
- Переписаны некоторый текст в локализации
English | Англ. язык
- Added tooltip in the Client category
- Added substitute in localization: minecraft.tech
- cpu
- screen_resolution
- Code cleanup
- Removed Alina API support
- Replaced assets.kelcuprum.ru links with simply-kel/SimplyStatus-Icons github repository links.
- Rewrote some text in localization
- Now displays the number of items
- Fixed English in Voice items
- Removed unnecessary parts of localization
- Changed server config check when getting a scene
- Fixed problem with server icon
- Finalized support for Voice in status
- Fix update after changing Title or custom app id
- Теперь отображается кол-во предметов
- Исправлена English в Voice штуках
- Удалены лишние части локализации
- Изменена проверка конфигов сервера при получении сцены
- Исправлена проблема с иконкой сервера
- Доделана поддержка войса в статусе
- Исправление обновления после изменения Title или кастомного app id
- Mod configs have been redesigned, now user and server configs share a common code base.
- Revamped localization format, now instead of own parser starscript is used.
- Redone support for mods like: Voice, Music.
- Each type is united into one class
- WaterPlayer is used instead of KelUtils/Music [Code taken from that project].
- Fixed a bug when music file address is shown in full
- Fixed problem with showing author when there is no author present
- Added support for KelUtils
- Slightly rewritten Music Player Fabric support
- Updated libraries
- Redesigned configuration GUI
- Changed localization of statistics #6
- Added descriptions to categories: Client, Current Server, Addons [YACL]
- Changed Boosty -> DonationAlerts link
- Added API selection for rendering
- Support for 23w31a - 23w32a
- Optimization of imports
- Added "Stones" icon option
- Optimization of imports
- Added "Stones" icon variant
- Fixed a problem with ModMenu
- Added descriptions to categories: Client, Current Server, Addons
- Changed Boosty -> DonationAlerts link
- Added API selection for rendering
- Support for 23w31a
- Support 1.20
- Support 1.19 - 1.19.4
- Cleaned up the code and reduced size
- And fixed another bugs
- Developer/Debug Mode in beta/alpha builds.
- There are now separations between variables and they have been signed in the localization.
- Also categorized the Addons
- Slightly fixed some standard parameters
- Reworked some checks
- Update to 1.20-pre.6-7
- Reduced supported version to 1.19
- Fixing player avatars with Mojang account type
- Added option to hide items
- Added parameter to hide the time cycle
- Added parameter to hide the world
- Updated Plasmo Voice support to 2.0.3
- USE_BEDROCK_ASSETS config was removed.
- New selection of thumbnails
- Default, Bedrock, Old, Cringe, CraftPresence
- Ukrainian localization was added
- Added a status output that an error occurred and need to check the terminal game
- Added a check for add-on mods in the configuration
- Added a client closing event listener to turn off the status
- Added support for 23w13a_or_b, support for moon
- Removed CurseForge from ModMenu links
- Added FastLoad support
- Added ability to change application ID, added option for ~urls icons when using custom application ID [ #4 ]
- Added mods in fabric.mod.json that break mods work
- CraftPresence
- Simple Discord RPC
- Amitojs-Minecraft-RPC-Fabric
- USE_ANOTHER_ID and USE_ASSETS configs will now be hidden when using USE_CUSTOM_APP_ID
- Small fixes
- Fixed new feature localization
- Fixed an issue with switching of custom ID
- USE_ANOTHER_ID and USE_ASSETS configs will now be hidden when using USE_CUSTOM_APP_ID
- Added support for 23w13a_or_b, support for moon
- Removed CurseForge from ModMenu links
- Added FastLoad support
- Added ability to change application ID, added option for ~urls icons when using custom application ID [ #4 ]
- Added mods in fabric.mod.json that break mods work
- CraftPresence
- Simple Discord RPC
- Amitojs-Minecraft-RPC-Fabric
- Small fixes
- Updated Plasmo Voice support to 2.0.3
- USE_BEDROCK_ASSETS config was removed.
- New selection of thumbnails
- Default, Bedrock, Old, Cringe, CraftPresence
- Ukrainian localization was added
- Added a status output that an error occurred and need to check the terminal game
- Added a check for add-on mods in the configuration
- Added a client closing event listener to turn off the status
- Added option to hide items
- Added parameter to hide the time cycle
- Added parameter to hide the world
- Complete code revision from scratch
- Changed version from 1.19.x to 1.19.4 and higher
- Mod icon changed
- Changed link information
- Changed localization structure
- Modified client and server configure structure
- Added ability to change localization and ReplayMod format
- Added ability to change Music Player localization and format
- Added opportunity to add icons for servers
- Made localization code easier [Thank god]
- Changed statuses Connected, Disconnected, Downloading World: Uses small icon and one line
- Replaced F4 hotkey with F7, due to F3+F4 [Game Mode Switching] conflict.
- Fixed minor errors in text
- Changed author's nickname: Simply_Kel -> Im_Kel
- Changed item logic and localization
- And something else, but I don't remember 😒.
- Changed F4 hotkey to F7, due to F3+F4 conflict [Game Mode Switching].
- Fixed minor bugs in the text
- Changed nickname: Simply_Kel -> Im_Kel
- Added Bedrock icons to config [to mod config file]
- Fixed hiding of unavailable mods in the Addons tab
- Fixed ID switching after the first save of config files [after game start]
- Changed logic of item concept and its localization
- Added support for PlasmoVoice[not very good] and Simple Voice Chat
- And something else, but I don't remember 😒