Added consistent tooltips to weapons that deal extra magic damage on hit, indicating the damage and damage range of the weapon
Introduced the Holy Relic, a weapon that deals holy damage in a large area in front of you. It will have spells in the future once Spellbooks get introduced
Monkey King Staff now takes only one durability point of damage per attack
Starforge now correctly has 1650 durability
Added Magical Rebuke, a shield and magic weapon enchantment that automatically has you cast your main hand spell upon blocking direct attackers
Archmagus now has his hood down to differentiate from his weaker form
All updates extend to Archmagus as well
Magus now sends a client message to players regarding his Elemental Barrier
Magus now properly gets his Barrier shredded by holy damage, proportional to how much damage you deal with holy damage. For every 1% of Magus' health you deal with holy damage, his barrier becomes 1% less effective. Minimum of 1% per damage instance.
Holy damage now only shreds Magus' barrier instead of dealing damage
Magus now can drop Frostborn Gavel, a new legendary Frost weapon, instead of Primordial Dagger
Magus and Archmagus are now invulnerable while changing elements and while Invisible
Hexblade Reavers have 75% less chance to drop items in the Glass Ocean
Added assets for a few minor buffs given by Frostborn Gavel
Finally replaced the laggy t2 and t3 Fire spells for Fire Orb
Temporarily disabled armor copying for Monkey King Staff clones
Magus Armor no longer erroneously dyeable
Kuwabara is a Man Update
Adds the Spirit Sword, a Claymore that you can summon by shift right clicking with an empty hand and at least 10 Fire Spell Power, or by using a Spirit Stick, consuming the stick. This item only lasts briefly when not in your hand. This item has 100% increased Fire Spell Power, but no flat Fire Spell Power, making it ideal to get flat Fire Spell Power to fuel this item. Burning Spirit is ideal for this.
Burning Spirit now correctly lasts 10 seconds.
Burning Spirit now correctly only stacks to 10 (previously 11)
Burning Spirit has a new icon
Fixed bug preventing hexblades from spawning randomly everywhere but the Glass Ocean
TO GET ANY OF THESE CHANGES, DELETE THE dimensions/spellbladenext/glassocean FOLDER, IF YOU HAVE IT!
Added 3 variants of the same structure to the Glass Ocean
The Glass Ocean is now entirely a custom biome instead of warm ocean.
Fixed Magus and Archmagus dying instantly in some modpacks
Natural mob spawns have been turned off in the Glass Ocean
If you somehow fall through the surface of the Glass Ocean, you will teleport to the top.
You can now follow Hexblade Reavers through their portals, which leads to and from the Glass Ocean dimension
In the Glass Ocean, Hexblade Reavers attack you every minute, and Magus' true power is unleashed, should you choose to fight him here.
Introduced Archmagus, Magus' awakened form. Archmagus has more health and more damage. Archmagus has a minion phase, and a third phase where he cycles through elements faster and has a chance to use lightning attacks.
Introduced Starforge, a drop from Archmagus that incentivizes investment into all spell power attributes.
Both Magus forms both now take half knockback instead of no knockback.
All introduced hostile mobs now drop XP
Redid Monkey Staff's Subjugate ability to instead make nearby enemies take 6x damage from clones for 8 seconds. It no longer does damage by itself. Clones perform an overhead swing when hitting Subjugated enemies.
Redid Monkey Staff's Cloud Barrier (now Rending Winds) ability to instead apply knockback and increased damage (6x multiplier) to a single target per second, while still reflecting projectiles.
Monkey King's Reckoning has more damage (4x multiplier instead of 3x)
MASSIVE internal refactoring and rearrangement
Primordial Dagger active should function better in low TPS settings due to movement now being handled client-side
Magus is now weak to healing magic (including from potions), which does full damage while making non-fitting damage types deal more damage to Magus permanently, up to a cap.
Hexblade enemies can now drop Missive from Magus, which gives hints on how to defeat him
Hexblade enemies now cower, refuse to fight, and retreat if any of your combat stats are over half of their health.
Categorized monkey staff as axe in game's code (for consistency with MCDW, allowing axe enchants), repairable with stripped mangrove log, improved Subjugate impact sound
Fixed offensive spells not giving buffs to the player
Made Claymores bigger and more large
Added another spell to monkey staff
Removed auto move when using Trickster Clone spell with Monkey Staff
Journey of the Monkey King update!
Added a new weapon, the Pillar of the Monkey King. With this expensive and exquisite weapon you can make clones of yourself, make mighty overhead strikes, and spin! This weapon has no base attack damage but very high attack speed, meaning that every extra point of attack damage (from Strength effects or otherwise) makes a huge difference. The abilities also have crazy high multipliers to attack damage, so you definitely want to add more damage to your attacks by some means in order to make this an effective weapon.
Floating Swords Update!
Increased range of melee weapons by 0.5 (With Better Combat installed). This is reflected by the weapons now floating during attack animations.
Removed "Your triumph is respected."
Fixed bug where Magus was unaffected by /kill
Spellblade and Claymore Void Enchant change reverted
Magebane Crown and Mageseeker Hat model adjustments
Initial Modrinth Upload