fixed tofu tool repair and insert tofu energy is not correct
backport 1.20.2 feature(Tofu Industry is add This version too!)
+Add Reflect Tofu Shield
+add Tofu Work Station(Main use is Craft Tofu Industry Items Such as Relfect Shield)
+TF Storage can make Tofu Energy from Tofu or Soybean!
+using tofu energy with repair tofu tool!
+traveler tofunian texture updated
fixed tofu energy not consumed
Tofu Industry is back!
Add Reflect Tofu Shield
add Tofu Work Station(Main use is Make Tofu Industry Items Such as Relfect Shield)
TF Storage can make Tofu Energy from Tofu or Soybean!
using tofu energy with repair tofu tool!
traveler tofunian texture updated
tofu detector add!(like tofu version observer. If tofu detected make redstone signal)
backport 1.20.2 feature
tofu detector add!(like tofu version observer. If tofu detected make redstone signal)
zunda upgrade template recipe changed
tofu ruin no longer generate in overworld
update apricot texture
tofunian texture updated!
builtIn tofu classic pack back!
fixed fishing loot
fixed negima's return item is wrong
add woodtype register
fixed water fishing cannot work(from 1.20.2)
fixed water fishing cannot work
port to 1.20.2!
support armor trim item render and glow item
add zundama craft recipe
changed soymeat texture after the feedback
fixed soy fishing treasure cannot get
add zundama block(only obtain when tofu slime is weaking for zunda and frog eat them)
when tofu slime bigger no longer drop item
support tool tags
Tofu World Cave gen changed
tofu diamond gen more bit common too!
more strong farmers delight compat support
comfort now affect duration with food valve
add nether natto and nether natto bed!
add nethe natto foods
tofu village now can find tofu scoop for tofu archeology
tofu creeper now drop one gunpowder sometime
tofu ruin design change
add new damage source
tofunian no longer danger with illagers
tofunian trader now sell zunda arrow
shudofu spider damage calculate changed
tofu creeper after exprosion. no longer set tofu block