- Fix experience point transfers not working if the player's experience points/levels had been manipulated via commands - thanks @thiswebsiteiscancer and @aaron01-dev
- Traditional Chinese translation - thanks @yichifauzi!
- Russian translation - thanks @alvlasov!
- Point transfers both ways no longer rely on a fixed curve (improves compatibility with mods that provide configurable experience levels)
- Adds tomes of experience as random loot in vanilla chests (loot chances can be tweaked in the configuration, or disabled altogether)
- Decreases the versions of dependencies allowing the mod to be used with some popular modpacks
- Fixes textures being the wrong sizes which limited mimap levels
- Fixes some tomes of experience not leveling the player up when transferring points back (#23)
Adds six different tomes to store and retrieve experience points:
- Tome of Minor Experience
- Tome of Lesser Experience
- Tome of Experience
- Tome of Greater Experience
- Tome of Superior Experience
- Tome of Major Experience