1.20.2 Quilt 240416
on Apr 16, 2024注意
此版本与Fabric保持一致。 由于不兼容的问题,部分模组被移除。
- 移除了 Carpet 及其附属模组(不兼容)
- 移除了 No Chat Report (不兼容)
- 移除了 Dark Loading Screen (不兼容)
- 移除了 Bedrodium (不兼容)
- 将 ViaFabricPlus 替换为 ViaFabric。
- Quilt Loader 更新至 0.25.0-beta.4
Consistency with the Fabric version. Some mods were removed due to incompatibility.
- Removed Carpet and all Carpet addons (incompatible)
- Removed No Chat Report (incompatible)
- Removed Dark Loading Screen (incompatible)
- Removed Bedrodium (incompatible)
- Replaced ViaFabricPlus with ViaFabric.
- Now using Quilt Loader 0.25.0-beta.4
1.20.4 Fabric 240415
on Apr 15, 2024更改
- 现在可以搜索历史聊天记录
- 相同的聊天信息不再默认折叠
- 移除 Wakes
- 移除 Servux
- 移除 ServerCore
- 移除 LazyDFU
- 移除 Better Sodium Video Settings Button
- 添加 Cubes Without Borders
- 添加 Edgeless Chat Screen
- 添加 ModDetectionPreventer
- 添加 Seamless Loading Screen
- 添加 CIT Resewn
- 添加 Animatica
- Fabric Loader 更新至 0.15.10
- Now you can search history chats.
- Same chat messages are no longer collapsed by default
- Removed Wakes
- Removed Servux
- Removed ServerCore
- Removed LazyDFU
- Removed Better Sodium Video Settings Button
- Added Cubes Without Borders
- Added Edgeless Chat Screen
- Added ModDetectionPreventer
- Added Seamless Loading Screen
- Added CIT Resewn
- Added Animatica
- Now using Fabric Loader 0.15.10
PLEASE NOTE: The saves generated using this modpack are not identical to Vanilla; Don't install MoreCullingExtra it will cause the game to crash.
1.20.1 Fabric 240413
on Apr 13, 2024更改
- 现在可以搜索历史聊天记录
- 相同的聊天信息不再默认折叠
- 移除 Servux
- 移除 ServerCore
- 移除 Better Sodium Video Settings Button
- 添加 Cubes Without Borders
- 添加 Edgeless Chat Screen
- 添加 ModDetectionPreventer
- 添加 Seamless Loading Screen
- Fabric Loader 更新至 0.15.10
- Now you can search history chats.
- Same chat messages are no longer collapsed by default
- Removed Servux
- Removed ServerCore
- Removed Better Sodium Video Settings Button
- Added Cubes Without Borders
- Added Edgeless Chat Screen
- Added ModDetectionPreventer
- Added Seamless Loading Screen
- Now using Fabric Loader 0.15.10
PLEASE NOTE: The saves generated using this modpack are not identical to Vanilla.
1.20.2 Fabric 240223
on Feb 24, 2024更改
- 修复了在特定情况下会导致日志文件过大的问题
- 添加了聊天栏动画
- 优化了成就GUI的体验
- Fabric Loader 更新至 0.15.7
- Fixed an issue that caused the log file to be too large under certain circumstances.
- Added chat bar animation.
- Optimized the experience of the achievement GUI.
- Now using Fabric Loader 0.15.7
PLEASE NOTE: The saves generated using this modpack are not identical to Vanilla.
1.20.1 Quilt 240222
on Feb 22, 2024Consistency with the Fabric version.
1.20.1 Fabric 240220
on Feb 22, 2024更改
- 修复了在特定情况下会导致日志文件过大的问题
- 添加了聊天栏动画
- 优化了成就GUI的体验
- Fabric Loader 更新至 0.15.7
- Sodium 更新至 0.5.8
- Fixed an issue that caused the log file to be too large under certain circumstances.
- Added chat bar animation.
- Optimized the experience of the achievement GUI.
- Now using Fabric Loader 0.15.7
- Now using Sodium 0.5.8
PLEASE NOTE: The saves generated using this modpack are not identical to Vanilla.
1.20.4 Fabric 240122
on Jan 22, 2024Changes
- Now using Fabric Loader 0.15.6
- Mod updated
- Added Chat Animation
- Added Disable Custom Worlds Advice
- Added LAN World Plug-n-Play
- Added Make Bubbles Pop
- Added MoreMcmeta
- Removed Tiny Item Animations
1.20.4 Fabric 240101
on Jan 1, 2024Happy New Year!
If you find errors in the modpack, feel free to submit an issue to us.
- Now using Fabric Loader 0.15.3.
- Added a special config file to load some mods.
We are still actively testing this modpack for unusual crashes, behavior on Linux and macOS, etc., and if there are no issues, this version will be used as a release.
1.20.2 Fabric 231225
on Dec 25, 2023Changes
- Update Fabric Loader to 0.15.2.
- Updated mods to the latest version.
- Removed the “Puzzle” button.
Mod changes
- Adaptive Tooltips
- Chat Patches
Some mods were removed due to not supporting 1.20.2.
Also, happy Christmas to everyone ;)
Dec 26th fixes
- Fixed two misconfigurations.
- Solas Shader embedded.
1.20.3 Fabric 231206
on Dec 6, 2023experimental version
1.20.3 will not receive any update due to the release of 1.20.4.
1.20.1 Quilt 231130
on Dec 1, 2023With this update, we have updated all the mods to the latest version and added many useful features. For example, you can now sort servers or resourcepacks by dragging items directly without having to click on those arrows; a screenshot viewer has been added to allow you to view and manage them from within the game; the GUI has gone through a series of tweaks to make it more aesthetically pleasing; swimming has a better-looking splash effect; and most importantly, you can now download resourcepacks and shaders from within the game!
There's also a host of optimizations for world generation and multiplayer that I won't go into. Maybe I have some unmentioned updates, so I'll leave those for you to discover on your own.
- Update Quilt Loader to 0.22.0.
- Updated mods to the latest version.
- Removed the “Puzzle” button.
- Solas Shader embedded.
Mod changes
- Puzzles Lib
- 字幕高亮 (Subtitles Highlighter)
- Just Enough Characters
- GugleCarpetAddition
- Smooth Swapping
- Sodium Shadowy Path Blocks
- Draggable Lists
- Overflowing Bars
- Recursive Resources
- Remove Reloading Screen
- Resourcify
- Noxesium
- Noisium
- Fabrishot
- Wakes
- Presence Footsteps
- Fix Keyboard on Linux
- Panorama Screens
- Screenshot Viewer
- OWorld2Create
- Cupboard
- Client Crafting
- Recipe Essentials Forge Fabric
- Entity View Distance
- ServerCore
- Game Menu Remove GFARB
- Controlify
- Open Parties and Claims
- LuckPerms
- owo-lib
- DeathLog
- Interactic
- emi-characters
1.20.1 Fabric 231130
on Nov 29, 2023With this update, we have updated all the mods to the latest version and added many useful features. For example, you can now sort servers or resourcepacks by dragging items directly without having to click on those arrows; a screenshot viewer has been added to allow you to view and manage them from within the game; the GUI has gone through a series of tweaks to make it more aesthetically pleasing; swimming has a better-looking splash effect; and most importantly, you can now download resourcepacks and shaders from within the game!
There's also a host of optimizations for world generation and multiplayer that I won't go into. Maybe I have some unmentioned updates, so I'll leave those for you to discover on your own.
- Update Fabric Loader to 0.14.25.
- Updated mods to the latest version.
- Removed the “Puzzle” button.
- Solas Shader embedded.
Mod changes
- Puzzles Lib
- 字幕高亮 (Subtitles Highlighter)
- Just Enough Characters
- GugleCarpetAddition
- Smooth Swapping
- Sodium Shadowy Path Blocks
- Draggable Lists
- Overflowing Bars
- Recursive Resources
- Remove Reloading Screen
- Resourcify
- Noxesium
- Noisium
- Fabrishot
- Wakes
- Presence Footsteps
- Fix Keyboard on Linux
- Panorama Screens
- Screenshot Viewer
- OWorld2Create
- Cupboard
- Client Crafting
- Recipe Essentials Forge Fabric
- Entity View Distance
- ServerCore
- LuckPerms
- owo-lib
- DeathLog
- Interactic
- emi-characters
Dec 8 update
- Added Enchanted Attack Indicator
- Removed a useless mod
- Using Fabric Loader 0.15.0
1.20.2 Fabric 231105
on Nov 5, 2023Mod changes
Added mods
- Bookshelf
- Carpet TCTC Addition
- Plusls Carpet Addition
- Oh My Minecraft Client for 1.20.2
- Servux
- Server Ping Fixer
- Video Tape
- Redirector [Modern]
- fast-ip-ping
- More Culling
- More Culling Extra
- Enchantment Descriptions
- FastQuit
- Model Gap Fix
- Remove Reloading Screen
- Just Enough Characters
- IMBlockerFabric
- OptiGUI
- CIT Resewn
- Fabrishot
Removed mods
- Shulker Box Tooltip
- idwtialsimmoedm
- oωo (owo-lib)
- DeathLog
- Interactic
- Better Advancements
- Better Beds
- Clumps
- Exordium
- Gamma Utils
- Raised
- Update Fabric Loader to 0.14.24
- Reset keybinds.
- Update Iris’s config to match the latest Complementary Reimagined.
- Update Complementary Reimagined’s config.
- Bind G as the key of Tweakeroo’s tweakGammaOverride.
- Fix resourcepack download error.
- Updated mods to the latest version.
- Turned on Tweakeroo’s Shulker Box Tooltip.
- Make Xaero’s Minimap’s compass bigger.
- Fixed Chinese translation pack for Xaero’s Minimap.
1.20.1 Fabric 231028
on Oct 28, 2023Mod changes
Added mods
- Bookshelf
- Enchantment Descriptions
- Carpet TCTC Addition
- Servux
- Plusls Carpet Addition
- Oh My Minecraft Client for 1.20.1
Removed mods
- Exordium
- Fast Portals
- Gamma Utils
- idwtialsimmoedm
- Shulker Box Tooltip
- Enchantment Level Language Patch
- Better Advancements
- Updated mods to the current latest version.
- Reset keybinds.
1.20.2 Fabric 231016
on Oct 16, 2023Compared to 231006, this version is more complete.
1.20.2 Fabric 231006
on Oct 6, 2023The modpack has improved but still falls short of expectations.
We see 1.20.3 as a development priority, so no further updates will be released for that version unless full mod support is available!
1.20.1 Fabric 230816
on Aug 16, 2023We are thrilled that the latest version is highly stable and reliable. We highly recommend upgrading to this version to ensure optimal performance.
Before using this version, you need to check the Driver Compatibility.
8/26 Updated mods. Now use EMI-characters(a JECh fork version) to replace JECh. Moved the AuthMe button to another location. Fixed resource pack issues. Redownload to apply these changes.
Remove ForceGL20 if you are using macOS.
- Now using Sodium 0.5.1
- Fixed unplanned feature related to villagers.
- Fixed incorrect footsteps.
- Resolved issue that caused the occasional inability to access the world.
- Removed useless mods.
- Update all mods to the latest.
1.19.4 Fabric 230814
on Aug 14, 2023We strongly suggest upgrading to the latest version as it provides improved optimization and additional features.
- Added some new particles to make the game enjoyable.
- Removed SE in the cave through resource pack.
- Update mods.
- Replaced ViaFabric with ViaFabricPlus.
Added mods
- Better Taskbar
- Better Sodium Video Settings Button
- Sodium Shadowy Path Blocks
- Sodium Occlusion Culling Fix
- ViaFabricPlus
- Visuality
1.16.5 Fabric 230813
on Aug 13, 2023Changes
- Removed SE in the cave through resource pack.
- Update mods.
DO NOT update ViaFabric and ExtraSounds.
1.17.1 Fabric 230803
on Aug 6, 2023If you want to play Minecraft in 1.17.1, this pack is made for you.
8/20 We fixed a series of issues including a problem that will crash the game. Re-download to apply these fixes.
- Added some mods to make the log files readable.
- Applied some fixes to make the game run faster.