- Update a few mods
- Readd ModernFix (though a few optimizations had to be disabled)
- Update Loader
- Remove NCR because of course it's actually broken
- Add EntityCulling as an override
- i forgor but now i unforgor
This is a very rudimentary alpha release. Sorry for taking a while, motivation's been at a low
- Update mods
- Enable c2me's new density function compiler thingy, should make chunk generation a fair bit faster
- Update C2ME, MoreCulling, Fabric Loader
- Update MoreCulling, C2ME
- Update mods
- Add back MoreCulling (since it's been updated to actually work properly) lmfao
- Remove MoreCulling (and dependency Cloth Config, bringing the mod count down to 14)
- Update some mods
It seems that mod doesn't currently contain any functional substantial optimizations other than leaves culling, which technically isn't relevant here since SO uses fast leaves by default, so whatever
Nvidium still isn't here, what the hell lol (yea i'm so done marking these as betas)
- Update Cloth Config
- Disable MoreCulling's entity model culling (seems inconsequential and currently causes a rendering bug in the inventory UI)
- Update Sodium
- Enable the new natives acceleration thingy in c2me (won't actually be enabled for most people currently but oh well)
- Update Loader
- Update C2ME, Fabric API
the beta label remains, nvidium and ebe still haven't updated for Sodium 0.6
- Update many mods
- Remove Indium (redundant w/ Sodium 0.6)
- Temporarily remove Nvidium
This is among other things the first release with Sodium 0.6, thus Nvidium is absent and EBE is shipped as an override, hence i'm marking this as a beta
- Update mods & remove dependency overrides file
- Update Lithium, C2ME
- Update Fabric API, Lithium
- Update C2ME, ImmediatelyFast
- Update Fabric API, ImmediatelyFast
- Bump MC version to 1.21.1
- Add dependency overrides file
releasing this as a beta initially, please report any issues you find and i'll try to get fixes out asap