Added Fabric-api as dependency and fixed some typos from statatusbot to statusbot.
There is no reason to download this version if you already have 18.1, however when you need to download the mod the first time or again it is of course recommended to download this version.
Added the setting to the plugin.yml file to tell Folia this plugin is actually supported.
Fixed a bug with the config options for enabling direct and channel status messages.
First release for NeoForge
Updated to 1.21
This version is the first Forge 1.15-1.16.5 version being released with the new message features.
This version is the first Forge 1.19-1.20.6 version being released with the new message features.
Fixed start messages not being send in private channels.
This version is highly experimental, please report any bugs you encounter!
For a more stable version download the Fabric 13.0 version.
This version is the first version being released with the new message features.
This version is highly experimental, please report any bugs you encounter!
For a more stable version download the Velocity 13.0 version.
This version is the first version being released with the new message features.
This version is highly experimental, please report any bugs you encounter!
For a more stable version download the BungeeCord 13.0 version.
This version is the first version being released with the new message features.