Update PaperMC repository
Add 1.21.2 and 1.21.4 to the config
Always switch to custom state on spawn
Fixes https://github.com/Elytrium/LimboAPI/issues/172 Fixes https://github.com/Elytrium/LimboReconnect/issues/30 Fixes https://github.com/Elytrium/LimboReconnect/issues/32\nAdd listOrder support to tablist rewriter
Minecraft 1.21.4 and Velocity b453+ support (#176)
ChunkUnloadPacket; 1.1.27
Minecraft 1.21.2 and Velocity b443+ support (#165)
Velocity b439+ support
Update FastPrepareAPI to improve compatibility-mode
Fix invalid post-join compression handling in compatibility mode
Improve LimboImpl
internal packets initialization/usage/release\nImplement packet modification/interception compatibility
Closes #156
- Velocity b426+ support
- Fixed compatibility issue with Velocity-CTD
- Use LambdaMetafactory instead of classic reflection whenever possible by @breitwan in https://github.com/Elytrium/LimboAPI/pull/160
1.1.26: Velocity b426+ support
Use LambdaMetafactory instead of classic reflection whenever possible (#160)
Do not use MethodHandle for VelocityTabList.entries
- EventManagerHook is now a Listener and is not extended from EventManager. That provides greater compatibility with other plugins
- More BlockEntityVersions (fixes https://github.com/Elytrium/LimboAPI/issues/157)
Release 1.1.25 EventManagerHook is now a Listener and is not extended from EventManager More BlockEntityVersions (fixes #157) Gradle updated
Ensure that KickedFromServerEvent
hook never fails\nGuard refresh memory leak fix against concurrency issues
Fix PreparedPacket
memory leak then refreshing limbos
Simplify mappings generation a bit\nKeep compatibility with plugins that use Velocity Tablist API internals
Rewrite uuids in Velocity Tablist API