7cd5514 Add PacketWrapper#sendFutureRaw, cleanup login disconnect handling. (#4129)
Removes the special handling in Protocol1_8To1_9 and always send the correct/expected data by the client in ServerboundBaseProtocol1_7 itself. Also prevent sending the packet through the protocol pipeline since packet/format changes should also be handled inside the base protocol.
78abf8b Use RedirectProtocolVersion#getOrigin in InitialBaseProtocol if possible (#4110)
This way, we should be able to get rid of manually adding the base protocol in projects like ViaAprilFools: https://github.com/ViaVersion/ViaAprilFools/blob/main/common/src/main/java/net/raphimc/viaaprilfools/protocol/s3d_sharewaretov1_14/Protocol3D_SharewareTo1_14.java#L87