- blood Edge
changed pack formatting to always show as correct version
- true excalibur
- one secret weapon ^^
fixed cit forge compatibility
- -creation splitter
- -holy moonlight sword (full redesign of moonlight greatsword)
- -blade of the plague
- -brimstone claymore
- -watcher claymore
- -watching warglaive
- -arcanethyst
- -awakened_lichblade
- -bramblethorn
- -emberblade
- -enigma
- -stars edge
- -hearthflame
- -icewhisper
- -magiscythe
- -ribbon cleaver
- -rightous relic
- -soulrender
- -soulstealer
- -stormbringer
- -storms edge
- -thunderbrand
- -waxweaver
- -wickpiercer
- -whisperwind
- -hearthflame
another hotfix sorry! fixed frostscythe
fixed misspelling with pheonix's grace
new weapons:
- soul devourer
- soul collector
- aquantic sacred blade
- ocean rage
- muramasa
- phoenixe's grace
- royal chakram
- amethyst shuriken
- mystical spellblade
- cybernetic katana
- cybernetic sawblade
- cybernetic knife
- sabre
- estoc
- wakizashi
- longsword
- partisan
- masamune
- sculk scythe
- sculk cleaver
- sculk sword
- Pharaoh's Treasure
- dark blade
- dark cleaver
- death knight sword
- death knight dagger
- floral sabre
- floral longsword
- divine justice
- divine reaper
- chrono blade
- sentinel's will
- forest guardian glaive
- creation splitter renamed to edge of the astral plane (as in the feature new creation splitter will be added)
- actually fixed wraith scythe
- retextured steelsword
fixed soul reaper and wraith scythe
added: -abominable blade -abominable greatsaber -corrupted mythic blade -wraith scythe -power fuse sword -power fuse hammer -demon lords great axe -demon lords sword -frost axe -frost sword -terra blade -divine axe rhitta (from seven deadly sins) -hornets needle (from hollow knight) -tengens blade (from demon slayer) -yoru (from one piece) -crescent rose (from rwby)
retextured: -hero sword -legendary sword -sunbreak -katana -molten blade
remodeled: -mythic blade