A bug fix update contains a fix for issues with processing various NBT list objects specific to byte, long, and int combined with UUID
- Fix an issue with renders not being registered when the reload event is fired
- Switch atlases for groups fixing mipmap dropping
- Add config option to adjust quick equip action
- Adjust highlight rendering and add new configuration options
- Permanent fix for issues of accessories data serialization problems
Backport of the beta 1.21 branch for 1.20.1 which includes some fixes and some breaking API changes from such version. The data format should be intact allowing for an easy switch to this version for CCLayer and TCLayer
Small bug fixes and add config option to prevent scrolling when over slots within screen.
- Adjust forge event from LivingDeathEvent to LivingDropsEvent preventing unintended item dropping
- Fix possible infinite recursion
Major bug fixes for serialization issues and more.
- Fix issues with exponentially increased fortune and looting amounts due when having accessories equipped
- Fix possible crash with SlotAttributes containing invalid characters when saved
- Prevent issues with duplicate Unique slots being able to be registered
- Prevent crash when trying to remove modifier from no existing container
- Fix issues with serializing render options leading to crashing or not saving data
- Fix missing packet handler for holder data syncing
- Fix missing slot info for when the slot amount is zero within the tooltip
Small adjustment to tags switching to accessories:any for any Accessory that can be equipped in any slot rather than accessories:all.
It also contains some changes for tooltips to minimize tooltip size by stating the slots are not equippable within instead of allowed slots when such is longer.
Small adjustment to tags switching to accessories:any
for any Accessory that can be equipped in any slot rather than accessories:all
It also contains some changes for tooltips to minimize tooltip size by stating the slots are not equippable within instead of allowed slots when such is longer.
Contains a hotfix for issues with not removing modifiers and more.
- Fix the issue with not removing the modifier when calling to remove
- Fix issues with incorrect sizing for render toggles
- Fix missing translations for some config options
The update contains some bug fixes and various API adjustments.
- Fix issues with not syncing extra properties to the client
- Fix issues with encoding and decoding due to problems with Codec <-> Endec interop
- Add ability to toggle specific slot locations default rendering if such is desired
- Adjust slot ordering to better reflect the intended order
- Add the ability to adjust the allowed stack size for default accessories
- Adjust highlighting code to work better at showing you its location on the player
- Added ability to create SlotPath from SlotReference directly rather than on the AttributeBuilder
- Separate unique slot properties to separate record class outside of main class for slot types
This update contains 2 minor fixes and 1 major fix for mixins, networking, and internal API.
- Fix crashes with canceling within injector not toggled for such
- Fix issues with an inability to send the AccessoryBreak due to not being registered
- Fix problems with improper revalidate steps for players leading to incorrect slot sizing