Changes to how Attributes are handled to conform to 1.21 handling while keeping the original method as dynamic type. Such is to be documented within docs in the future.
- Add a Static method for defining attributes for Accessories while still providing a more dynamic method for handling attributes
- Allow for toggling of attributes for Accessories to be visible
- Fix incorrect positioning of tooltip information
An update containing Minor and Major bug fixes.
- Fix unique slots including colen within slot path for Attribute Builder
- Fix bugs with not passing inner ItemStack for AccessoryNestUtils methods
- Adjust AccessoryNest default unequip behavior to prevent such being stuck in the slot
- Fix codec deserialization issues due to issues with EdmOps reading booleans and handling empty values
- Fix tooltip placement issues
Fix critical desync bug when teleporting to a different dimension leading to crashes.
Fix bugs within code for OnDropCallback
leading to issues with the Curios Compat layer dropping all items on death
A simple update to fix a bug during sync that leads to issues opening screens and general data syncing to clients.
Minor update including adjustment to Slot Validation by adjusting slot predicate location and keys for Item Component.
Minor update including adjustment to Slot Validation by adjusting slot predicate location and keys for Item Component.
Update to fix some bugs and adjust format for data components.
- Fix crash with breakItem leading to StackOverflow
- Adjustment for attribute modifier operation field being different from vanilla implementation
- Adjust key for AccessoryRenderOverrideComponent to be more inline with general naming conventions
Initial beta release of Accessories for 1.21 with the API being mostly finalized unless breaking issues are found.
- Changes to the Attribute method within the main Accessories interface due to changes within 1.21 combined with that ability to dictate stackable attributes vs exclusive