- Fixed crash when error message has no message in gui
- Removed url length restriction of 512 (now it is 2048)
- Fixed not saving render distance
- Adapted to CreativeCore 2.12.26
- Added support for watermedia 2.1.x
- Fixed rare crash when vlc is displaying an image
- Adapted LittleTiles v1.5.0-pre113
- Updated to newer watermedia version
- Removed LittleTiles integration (only for 1.19.2 due to LT in that version is broken)
- Backported LT 1.20.1 to 1.19.2
- Now requires WATERMeDIA 2.0.50 and above
- Updated to newer watermedia version
- Adapted CreativeCore gui changes 2.11.27
- Adapted littletiles change of adding interaction hand to use
- Fixed memory leak (caused by not deleting buffer for video player)
- Added option to configure auto reload interval
- Enhanced little picture frame gui
- Fixed missing translation for little picture frame
- Added internal output to little picture frame to be able to control if a video is playing or not
- Adapted CreativeCore changes of GuiCoutnerDecimal
- Fixed frames not being able to be mined faster with an axe
- Fixed creative frames not dropping themselves
Updated to CreativeCore v2.11.5