Fixed possible issue with watermedia not being able to load VLC
Updated to watermedia 2.0.1
Updated to newest WaterMedia 1.3.32
Fixed crash when mining frame in survival
Switched back to VLC 3 Added WaterMedia as a dependency
Fixed crash if LittleTiles is not installed
Applied fix to url limit suggested by @SrRapero720 Updated to newest VLCJ version
Fixed crash if LittleTiles is not installed
Fixed crash when rendering frame
Applied fix suggested by @SrRapero720 (Closes #49) Fixed certain gui handlers not being loaded on server side Updated to new CreativeCore dependency
Fixed random crash caused by last change
Threaded loading vlc url and releasing player Fixed crash when using LittleFrames when LittleTiles is installed Added littletiles to client and server run
Readded minecraft:// paths Added ability to search for multiple vlc installations Enhanced texture registering and upload
Used isClient call instead of level.isClientSIde Fixed crash when registering blockentity Fixed resource pack meta Fixed compatibility with newest VLC 4 version
Added color and normals to rendering (hopefully fixes a few shader compatibility issues) was suggested by @Skyscoot9000 Made LT compatible with newest VLC4 versions
Ported to 1.19.3