- Added a config for VMinus. Currently it lets you ban and hide items and disable the tooltip rework.
- Fixed missing lang file
- Fixed capes not working
- Fixed config visions not working
- Updated cape system to use a command instead
- Updated logo
- Updated visions to now load the same way vanilla resources do (better optimized and less finicky)
- Removed log spam
- Fixed log spam from tags
- Significantly improved performance across the board
- Recipe replacements and bans no longer require a world reload and is done during gameplay (wayyy quicker world load times)
- Fixed crash relating to food properties
- Fixed major lag issue on world loading
- Fixed a player being able to access all capes if they only had one
- Added many new chat formatting colors
- Fixed all damage being doubled
- Fixed some enchantments occuring where they shouldn't
- Added more things to ban items (preventing them from being added to most containers and inventories)
- Added all unadded supporter capes
- Added a new, much cleaner way to write what a vision applies to
- Removed the requirement operator
- Fixed enchanted books having actual enchantments instead of stored enchantments
- Enchantments are now properly bannable with a new boolean property
- Optimized caching
- Optimized and condensed a lot of code
- Attempted fix at recipe manager crash
- Fixed alexsmobs potion crash
- Attempted fix with recipe essentials
- Capes now use UUIDs instead of names
- Fixed all enchantment levels being set to 1
- Significantly optimized caching and scanning vision keys
- Allowed for caching of empty visions improving performance
- Fixed critical lag issue
- Fixed crash
- Fixed leftover enchantment visions
- Significantly optimized performance with vision caching
- Added list capabilities with visions separated by ","
- Added inversion capabilities with visions starting with "!"
- Added required capabilities with visions starting with "&"
- Added weighted mob variant capability for most vanilla mobs
- Added more entity vision conditions
- Simplified attribute creation & replacing
- Added enchantment visions
- Added effect visions And a lot more
- Allowed for simplification of properties, you now only need to define the key and value like such: "durability":512 in the vision .json. However, the old way still must be used if you wish to add multiple of the same property or use conditions
- Fixed other mods that added tooltips like create pondering and such
- Made attributes automatically use addition by default so that is no longer required to be defined