- Added a new hides_nametag property for helmet items
- Allowed destroy_time and explosion_resistance properties to go to minimum -1
- Fixed tooltip crashes and conflicts with other mods
- Fixed a critical crash
- Fixed damageable property
- Fixed Caelus API conflict
- Sound values for blocks were renamed and now automatically fill in default stone sounds if none are provided
- Bounds have been added to some values to prevent crashes
- Nutrition and saturation are now optionally provided in food_properties
- Mobs with adjusted max health now get their health adjusted
- Added more loading resource log messages for when VMinus loads all the visions
- Fixed volume properties not working and not being able to be set to a decimal value.
- Fixed rarity properties not working
- Fixed break_replacement properties not working
- Fixed nutritional values not working in general
- Fixed many broken tags
- Optimized some code
Overhauled the entire mod!